Solutions for Residential Waste Collection
Residential Curbside Services requires the vehicles to make stops at most addresses on a street. This creates many challenges. C2Logix has Routing Software and solutions to optimize routes for maximum efficiency. Commonly asked questions are:
- How do I optimize my collection days?
- How to decrease costs for fuel and tires?
- How to decrease labor costs and eliminate overtime?
- How can we decrease mileage?
- How to maintain customer service times and information?
- Can we improve quality control and management?
- How can we price services more accurately?
- Is there a way to integrate new customers more easily?
- Can we reduce the time and cost of rerouting?
You need the answers. With FleetRoute™ you can:
- Maximize the productivity of each vehicle, even if they have different operating characteristics and requirements.
- Specify the maximum and minimum nuber of hours, stops, capacity, dump trips, and distance desired for each vehicle.
- Balance and optimize your service days and districts.
- Create customized computer generated route configurations to meet your needs, or optimize your existing routes.
- Create color driver and management maps and street-by-street, minute-by-minute driving direction reports.
Solutions for Commercial Waste Collection
Commercial Waste Collection requires the vehicles to make multiple stops sometimes in a large geographic area. The collection vehicles often must make multiple dump trips. They also service customers that are collected more than one time per week.Trying to optimize these commercial routes manually is impossible. It is difficult to look at the big picture and decide which customers need their collection day changed. This creates many challenges. Commonly asked questions are:
What are the benefits that can be realized from optimizing your waste collection routes using FleetRoute™ routing software?
- How do I optimize my collection days?
- Which customers should have their collection day changed?
- How to maintain customer service times and information?
- Can we reduce the time and cost of rerouting?
- How to decrease costs for fuel and tires?
- How can we decrease mileage?
- Can we improve quality control and management?
- How can we price services more accurately?
- Is there a way to integrate new customers more easily?
You need the answers. With C2Routing® you can:
- Maximize fleet efficiency and capacity.
- Optimize collection days up to 60 days.
- Meet customer time windows and delivery days.
- Match vehicles with customer needs (i.e. rear loader, front end loader...).
- Manage multiple quanities and capacities.
- Create fixed or dynamic routes.
- Respect drive time limits.
We have the answers to these questions. With C2Routing® we can help you to solve any and all of your Commercial Waste Collection problems.
Contact Us today and ask for a free demo or to request more information