What does FleetRoute™ do?

FleetRoute™ vehicle routing software allows you to...

  • Maximize the productivity of each vehicle, even if they have different operating characteristics and requirements.

  • Simplify route planning.

  • Specify the maximum and minimum number of hours and capacity desired for each vehicle.

  • Balance your service days and districts.

  • Specify the general area of vehicle before route creation.

  • Customize computer generated route configurations to meet your needs, or optimize your existing routes.

  • Find the closest transfer stations/landfills for each vehicle for each dump trip and allocate vehicles to the optimal depot.

  • Find the closest dump points in the route within the limits of the total load.

  • Find optimal locations for new facilities.

  • Control the types of turns made such as minimizing U-turns, specifying cul-de-sac turn rules, etc.

FleetRoute™ gives you...

  • Color driver and management maps and street-by-street, minute-by-minute driving direction reports.

  • Statistical and profitability reports so you know how each route contribute to the bottom line.

  • Customer change of service day lists and reports for change notification letters.

  • Ad hoc mapping and analysis functions.

  • An open data standard for easy integration with your customer information and accounting systems.

  • A pathway for integrating route information with your corporate intranet.

Contact Us today and ask for a free demo or to request more information
